Produced in Miami since 1960 after the nationalization of Cuba by Castro.
This non alcoholic beverage has been served at Miami Grille for over 4 years and only a select few of our guests have experienced its unique flavors. A wonderfully sweet beverage that crosses the flavors of Root Beer and Cream Soda with a slight citrus zing. Some describe it as being similar to Mr Pibb or Dr Pepper. I know you will have an unforgettable flavor sensation and a story to tell about this original Cuban beverage. Odds are high you will not find this soft drink at any other restaurant in San Diego.
This is the first in a series of looks at some of the more unique non alcoholic beverages served at Miami Grille. They can be found on the drink list. The next one we will be exploring the next hot ingrediant Yerba Mate. We serve it in a soft drink called Materva.